A Runner’s Must-Have for All Kinds of Run


Gearing up for a run is all about getting your body in its best condition and preparing your mind for a harrowing journey ahead. But no less than a suitable physique and mentality, being well-equipped is equally crucial. As any seasoned athlete would say, equipment defines your setback or success.

Whether you are following a workout routine, attempting to finish a race, or simply going for a casual jog, take note of these running essentials you must have:

Proper Running Shoes

Most people would think that picking the correct kicks only applies when finding the finishing touch of their outfit. But from a runner’s perspective, a proper pair of shoes goes beyond style by providing the support and stability needed while in action. Shoes also help prevent injuries and improve performance by ensuring every stride is comfortable and efficient.


Breathable Clothes

The key to choosing appropriate running attire is assuring your body is one with whatever you wear. This means you are putting on something that feels light or pleasant and keeps you from irritation caused by repetitive friction. Thus, experts recommend breathable or moisture-wicking clothes designed to help regulate the body's temperature and keep sweat away from the skin.


Efficient Smartwatch

Keeping your health in check while you are busy running would be easier with the assistance of a smartwatch. Recent technological advancements paved the way for more of its useful features like timekeeping, tracking performance metrics, and monitoring physical activity. These functions aim to optimize workouts and encourage users to stay motivated in reaching their fitness goals.


Sweat-friendly Earbuds

While a good run is incomplete without music, many do not realize that selecting a perfect audio device matter. Wired earphones are classic, but they get in the way when tangled. Likewise, plastic earbuds are compact, although they quickly fumble with grand movements. To keep your tune going, use a wireless earpiece with rubber tips that are sweat-proof and less prone to damage.


Comfortable Waist Pack

Runners know an unwritten rule that carrying less is progressing more. If you don't want a bouncing pocket, a waist pack is your on-the-go storage solution to bring a few items with you during a sprint. Also called a running belt, this portable bag can be worn around the waist with enough space to stash your belongings like a phone, charger, or keys without the fear of feeling weighed down.


Polarized Sunglasses

Imagine starting the day with a jog, but the harsh sunlight ruined your peaceful beginning. Having decent eyewear could have saved you from that dilemma. For protection during sunny days, opt for a pair of polarized sunglasses that shield the eyes against reflective rays and improve visibility, ensuring that every outdoor run is much safer and more enjoyable.


Skin-caring Sun Protection

Aside from eyes, your skin is no exception from the harmful effects of environmental aggressors. For a safeguard against the sun and other factors like pollution, choose Artistry™ Skin Nutrition™ Multi-Defense UV Protect SPF50+. Certified by the Skin Cancer Foundation, this sunscreen keep the skin healthy by providing defense against daily skin-agers while also delaying visible signs of aging.


Sweat-absorbent Towel

Wearing comfortable running clothes can only do so much to keep you cool and dry from your intense fitness sessions. And if the idea of getting soaked in your salty body moisture does not sound good, an absorbent towel is what you need. It does the job of helping us wipe away our sweat, which is particularly handy to keep feeling refreshed during hot and humid days.


Good Source of Energy

Staying energized is the cornerstone of every successful run, as it ensures your body's peak performance. However, not all energy-boosting beverages are created equal when it comes to health.


Good for us, there is XS™ Energy Drink in Citrus and Cranberry-Grape flavors. It has zero sugar, zero carbs, and zero sodium, thus guaranteeing no crash. It is also low in calories but supercharged with essential B Vitamins to deliver the hydration and energy you need—a game-changer for all runners and athletes alike!

Meanwhile, as XS™ marks its 4th anniversary, join the excitement and celebration by acquiring a FREE limited edition stainless sports bottle! Claim it when you purchase PHP 5,000 worth of XS™ products from October 16 to 31. Or better yet, hurry until supplies last!