Look Merry and Bright: A Guide for Long-Lasting Holiday Vibes


Being able to party, hang out with your friends & loved ones, and go on vacations during Christmas and/or New Year’s is worth hyping about for many people, especially since these are only celebrated once a year. Of course, this often means it’s a chance to get into the festive spirit and make the most out of these holidays!

Now, the real question is: can you keep up?

With the stress from the hectic schedule and many, many plans, and outings you may have to do during this season, it can certainly drain your energy a lot faster than you planned and/or wanted it to. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be like that.

There are healthy ways to help you look and feel refreshed, bubbly, and confident for long periods of time. So, with a little help from the Gift of Zen + Energy bundle from our November 2023 Holideals, here is how you can…


Look Merry and Bright: A Guide to Long-Lasting Holiday Vibes

From the Inside

Let’s start first with food since that’s where we mainly get our energy from. Getting into a bright, happy mood can usually depend on what you eat and drink, and how we do it. After all, a person can’t think and do well on an empty stomach!



  • Being Complicated is Good, Actually – Worried about which carbs to eat this season, if at all? Here’s a trick to help you get the carbs you need health-wise while still being fit and vibrant. Replace candy, sugary foods, and other simple carbs with complex ones (i.e., ones rich in fiber), like whole grains, sweet potatoes, fruits, and legumes, to fuel you on while helping other parts of your body, too. It’s a decent way to maintain your holiday cheer, isn’t it?


  • Water is Your Bestie – We know this is a very common thing to be healthy, but it’s not passe to hydrate yourself! Our bodies need water to function, and nothing than that could replace it. Besides, having less water in your body can tire you out a lot more anyway. So, while the many fun and exciting holiday drinks in parties could be great to try, it’s still probably best to take in some water as well.

On the Outside

Being bubbly and confident isn’t just limited to what’s inside. It does reflect a lot on your face when you are in that state of mind. So, how about we enhance that merry glow a little more?


  • Bask in The Sun (at a Healthy Amount) – Putting on sunscreen for the changing holiday weather here in the Philippines is a good idea. But that doesn’t mean we should avoid the sun completely! Being exposed to it in the morning does help you feel more awake due to the stimulation your brain gets from the short wavelength blue light found in sunlight, as a study had examined and suggested.

  • Go for Skin-Loving Essentials – Skincare is another way to help bring out your joyful glow this festive season. But it can be tricky if you don’t have base products that meet you and your needs. Luckily, the Gift of Zen + Energy bundle’s effective ARTISTRY Studio Skin™ Cleanser + Exfoliator and ARTISTRY Studio Skin™ Hydration + Antioxidant Boost Moisturizer can help you there with their Zen (skin soothing) + Energy (active & skin improving) formula, all made with clean, vegan, traceable, and plant-based ingredients. For example, the Cleanser + Exfoliator’s aloe vera (zen) and bamboo (energy) ingredient combo helps bring out your natural glow by sweeping away buildup and helping with oil control on your skin. Meanwhile, the Moisturizer uses antioxidants from superjuices like Açai Berry (energy) to nourish it while still soothing it with shea and aloe vera (zen) as well. Both products are designed to work with various skin types, too.

  • Bright Fits for a Brighter Mood – While bright colors can be seen by some as either uncomfortable or lame sometimes, the holidays are one of the best times to wear clothing with vibrant hues and bold shades. Research showed how color can affect people’s attention, focus, and mood, so choosing bright (but not harsh) colors for your Christmas or New Year outfits is a good way to lift your festive vibes!

And What You Gotta Do

While eating well and looking lively is all good, you can also keep your holiday vibes high by adding healthy habits that can make them last into your daily routine. Whether it’s to pump you up or calm you down, they are all there to help you enjoy the season longer and more fully.


  • Be Physically Active (Even if A Little)Health professionals suggest that regular exercise, even if it’s as simple as running, helps lift your mood, improve your sleep quality, and boost your strength and energy levels. Now, while it may seem like more work on top of your holiday plans, it helps keep you active and provides a good way to vent off stress. Besides, this just means you’d have more energy now to do more in the holidays, and isn’t that worth the sweat?


  • Set Aside Time for Yourself – Now, while hanging out with friends and family during Christmas or New Year’s is great and fantastic, please take some “me time” for yourself occasionally. Taking a break for yourself from time to time in your holiday schedule will help you recharge and enjoy the season without feeling burned out or too overwhelmed at the end.